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Cos’è il cloud storage: IPFS, Filecoin, Storj e The Graph · 2023-09-07 8 min Essere umani significa ricordare: la memoria definisce l’identità. Le tecnologie odierne, dunque, possono renderci infinitamente più consapevoli, conservando per noiinformazioni, idee, progetti.  Così, andiamo nel mondo avvolti da “nuvole” di dati: il significato di clo
Launch of the European Blockchain Regulatory Sandbox · 2023-07-06 3 min The sandbox establishes a pan-European framework for regulatory dialogues to increase legal certainty for innovative blockchain solutions. Funded by the Digital Europe Programme and delivering on the SME strategy, the sandbox is running from 2023 to 2026 and will annually support
Home EBSI · 2023-07-06 4 min Created by Virginie MANGELINCK, last modified by Georgios Chatzitheodoridis on Jul 05, 2023 The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) was born in 2018 when 29 countries (all EU members states, Norway and Liechtenstein) and the EU Commission have joined forces to crea
DRAIN: A distributed Reliable Architecture for IoT Networks · 2023-07-02 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
Paradise lost? How crypto failed to deliver on its promises and what to do about it · 2023-06-28 16 min Speech by Fabio Panetta, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, at a panel on the future of crypto at the 22nd BIS Annual Conference, 23 June 2023IntroductionSome 15 years ago, software developers using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto created the source code of what they thoug
Decreto Criptovalute: nuove regole di emissione · 2023-05-24 3 min Decreto Criptovalute: nuove regole di emissione Tratto dallo speciale:Approvato il Decreto Criptovalute che disciplina l’emissione e la circolazione degli strumenti finanziari digitali: come cambiano gli adempimenti.La Camera ha approvato in via definitiva il Disegno d
TechDispatch #1/2023 Central Bank Digital Currency · 2023-03-31 29 min Countries around the world are examining whether they should offer central bank money to the public not only as banknotes and coins, but also in digital form.The fact that the majority of central banks around the world have already started exploring the possibility of launching
Il decreto legge (!) sulle DLT detto Pilot Regime · 2023-03-24 2 min Il 16 marzo il Governo ha emanato il Decreto-Legge sulle DLT (distributed Ledger Technology), un provvedimento che era atteso da tempo in quanto attuazione del cosiddetto “Pilot Regime” (Regolamento Europeo 2022/858) in discussione da diversi mesi e da implementare entro il 2
GitHub teleconsys/kyber rs: An advanced crypto library for Rust providing implementations for DKG and distributed signature, partial porting of DEDIS kyber library · 2023-02-26 < 1 min {{ message }} / kyber-rs PublicNotifications Fork 0 Star 2 An advanced crypto library for Rust providing implementations for DKG and distributed signature, partial porting of DEDIS kyber libraryLicense View license 2 stars 0 forks Star Notifications © 2023 GitHub, I

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"Quando mi possono servire i Bitcoin "